JKA Fee Structure
- Competitors - $10,000.00 Per Year. Packages are available, Racer plus 1 parent $15,000.00, Racer and 2 parents $20,000.00
- Non-competing member - $10,00.00 Per Year
- All competing members under the age of 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian join the association as a non-competing member
- Kart Storage is $7,500 monthly, this is paid directly to the JKA. All 50cc Karts are stored FREE. JKA does not charge storage of 50cc Karts.
- There is a fee for track usage by persons training, this is $2,500/ day, packages are also available. Please contact accounts@jamaicakartingassociation.com for further details.
- 2024 Race Meet Entry Fee $13,000.00 per competitor transponder rental $2,000.00, if needed
Banking Details:
Name of Bank: Bank of Nova Scotia
Name on Account: The Jamaica Karting Association
Bank Branch: Oxford Road Branch
Transit Number: 81505
Account Number: 601047
Account type: Savings
Please send all payment confirmations to: accounts@jamaicakartingassociation.com